This is an example of how to create ECS infrastructure using Crossplane. It generates Cluster, Service, and TaskDefinition resources for simplicity. The objective is to demonstrate how to leverage Crossplane for provisioning infrastructure and deploying workloads using Helm charts atop Crossplane compositions.
Crossplane is a tool designed for provisioning and managing infrastructure across various cloud providers. It utilizes Kubernetes Custom Resource Definitions (CRDs) to specify infrastructure resources and their configurations.
ECS Cluster
ECS Service
ECS TaskDefinition
As you can notice in the task definition object we need to do the trick using this expression:
This expression will generate a hash of the container definition object and use the first 10 characters of the hash to generate the task definition name.
Once you apply those object with ArgoCD (to follow the GitOps WoW) or using directly Helm will create the new TaskDefinition with the new hash and remove the old one, and the service using the same definition could obtain the id from task_idand deploy it.
Usually, in many projects, we need to create different repositories with a similar folder structure. In this scenario, you can use GitHub Templates, which I ...